I cannot thank you enough for providing us with this exceptional video enhancement. Our organization is faced with making many decisions based on our limited resources and you providing this service to us, at no cost, is a true testament to your dedication to the welfare of the animals we are seeking justice for. Without your expertise we would not even be able to seek criminal charges against this truly despicable member of Society. Hopefully he will be held accountable for his heinous actions.Z. Macinanti
Washington D.C.
I contacted Jennifer Owen about a high profile case in Los Angeles. What she didn't know, was the fact that we had contracted with a handful of select forensic experts across the nation to analyze our evidence. They all worked independently of each other and all came to the same conclusion regarding the evidence in question. But not all forensic experts are alike. I was fortunate enough to review the results of some of the nation's leading forensic experts and I have to say that when our team reviewed Jennifer's work, we were absolutely floored! All the experts provided legal declarations and percentages of reliability (all of which were great) but Jennifer took what they were saying and incorporated it into a visual work-of-art. She produced an overlay of two images to visually show what the forensic analysis (the math and science) was saying. But she didn't stop there - she produced a video that took one image and slowly and methodically combined it into the other image to show the striking similarities. The dynamic range of her technical ability is stunning and her results are exceptional.
Again, for this project Jennifer is in the company of some of the nation's foremost experts in audio, video, facial recognition, and tip-of-the-spear forensic science and her work stood out head-and-shoulders above the rest. The video comparison was jaw-dropping and amazing to watch. Her work surpassed all of our expectations and she certainly surpassed some of her contemporaries in the field.
Jennifer's work is undeniable the best forensic work I have ever seen!
Our case never even made it to court! Jennifer's dynamic results, powerful forensic imagery, and above-reproach sophistication made the case legal kryptonite to the other side - no one dared challenge us once they saw first-hand Jennifer's amazing work.
There's no one more qualified than Jennifer Owen from Owen Forensic Services - I give her and her team my highest recommendation!
Vito C
Los Angeles